Business Committee


Meeting Venue:

Presiding Officer’s office, 4th floor - Ty Hywel


Meeting date:

Tuesday, 13 March 2012


Meeting time:

08:30 - 08:50








Committee Members:


Rosemary Butler (Chair)

Peter Black

Jocelyn Davies

William Graham

Jane Hutt






Committee Staff:


Anna Daniel (Clerk)







Others in attendance:


David Melding, Deputy Presiding Officer

Adrian Crompton, Director of Assembly Business

Sulafa Thomas, Head of Assembly Committees

Siân Wilkins, Head of Legislation and Chamber Services

Craig Stephenson, Principal Private Secretary to the Presiding Officer

Peter Greening, Welsh Government






1.  Apologies & announcements




2.  Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes were noted by the Committee for publication.




3.  Organisation of Business




3(i)        This Week's Business


On Tuesday, Voting Time would be after the final item of business.  On Wednesday, the Business Committee agreed that Voting Time would take place before the Short Debate.




3(ii)       Three week timetable of Government Business


The Committee noted the 3 Week Timetable of Government Business.




3(iii)      Three week timetable of Assembly Business


The Business Committee agreed to schedule the following items of business:


Wednesday 21 March 2012


·         Motion to annul the Isle of Anglesey Local Authorities (Change to the Years of Ordinary Elections) Order 2012 (30 mins)


Wednesday 25 April 2012


·         Debate on the Petitions Committee's report on the Marine and Coastguard Agency in Wales (60 mins)


The Committee determined the organisation of Assembly Business.




4.  Legislation




4(i)        Legislative Conventions in the Fourth Assembly


The Business Committee considered and agreed a draft report setting out the revised conventions that should apply when committees are considering legislation.




5.  Other Business




5(i)        Industrial Action - Impact on formal Assembly Business


The Business Committee gave further consideration to its contingency plan in the event of the industrial action on 28 March.


The Leader of the House indicated that the Government would bring forward Questions to Ministers to Tuesday 27 March.


William Graham said that his group’s preferred option would be to maintain all business on Wednesday, 28 March. The remaining Business Managers agreed that their preference would be to accommodate the 2 opposition debates in an extended plenary on Tuesday 27 March. The Leader of the House suggested that the meeting could start earlier than usual to accommodate these extra items of business.


Business Managers agreed that the debate on the Enterprise and Business Committee’s report and the Short Debate should be postponed until after the Easter recess.


The Business Committee also agreed that the Finance Committee should be allocated an alternative meeting slot.


The secretariat will prepare a draft Business Statement to reflect these discussions, for consideration at next week’s meeting.

